#051 Mt Ward


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Mt Ward from Split Rock

(Ridge Top Tour Track).

One of the iconic vistas of the Arkaroola Landscape. I am really attracted to this place. It is not just the power of the landscape, but the colour of the hills on the horizon and on the face of Split Rock. I enjoy the challenge of bringing all that I see to canvas.

Arkaroola is synonymous with the ancient geological ages. It is the most rugged expression of the Australian Landscape. At once powerful and untamed with a natural beauty.

Arkaroola offers the famous Ridgetop Tour which takes you to Sillers Lookout. One of the most exhilarating experiences in a most exhilarating landscape.

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Split Rock, Ridgetop Tour, Arkaroola


Roscoe Shelton

30.5 cm H x 40.6 cm W

Oil on canvas panel

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