By the Sea

  • 50.8 cm W x 50.8 cm H Oil on Stretched Canvas (ready to hang) July 2024 Roscoe Shelton
  • Quobba Station, WA

    A Coral Coast excursion in 2021 around one of my favoured themes; landscape, light, cloud, and special place.

    Quobba Station hosts the famous exposed surf reef break at Red Bluff.

    The painting is about the place, the Indian Ocean crashes into the rock ledge. Late in the afternoon, the pink beginning of the sunset catches the wisp of the clouds.

  • A special Australian Landscape.

    Occasionally an early morning bike ride to Port Adelaide reveals another stunning dawn. There is a theme around the pink reflections of the sunrise before merging into the morning sky. The light is fleeting, although the morning is breaking, the lights on the jetty still shine. The sun has yet to catch the beach scrub and the lights on the jetty are still bright.

  • A Special Australian Landscape

    The inspiration for this painting came from a visit to the Streeton Exhibition in Sydney early 2021. Quite a number of Australian impressionists took to the beaches around Sydney and produced many notable paintings.

    This painting takes you to Manly Beach and a view across to Shelly Beach.

  • The early morning catches an interesting mood. The air is clear, the sun is bright, it is not yet hot, the day is full of promise. The light catches the awning's vivid red and the communication tower at the end of the jetty. There is some fascination with the water lapping the shore, the ripples and the shadows under the jetty.
  • East Point Reserve, Darwin

    A great Australian Landscape

    The tropical sunsets over Darwin are spectacular. I want to capture for the balance between the sunset and the fading light on the water, and then there is the tropical cloud with the sun departing but leaving an illuminated skyline and upper cloud. There is something special about a “graceful” Darwin sunset at East Point Reserve.

    I am always looking forward to a week or two in Darwin each year to catch up with friends and a bar-be-que with on the foreshore.

  • Inspiration comes from the Streeton Exhibition in Sydney early 2021.

    A number of Australian impressionists took to the northern beaches Sydney and produced some notable paintings.

    Painted from a 2019 trip to the secluded and laid-back coastal town of Norah Head on NSW's Central Coast. You can just imagine the unspoilt coastline Australia's early settlers would have come across.
  • We talk about the patience of the fisherman. In this work I have tried to capture the solitude of the fisherman. Half looking out to sea, contemplative, not really expecting a bite, but at peace with the waves lapping up around the ankles. The Francois Peron National Park, Denham WA is a special place.  
  • Capture the impression of the endless break of a passive surf break at the famous Cactus Beach.  At sunset, watching wave after wave roll in. The light slowly fading, but leaving an orange hue on the horizon and an eerie purple on the break. With the wind dropping in the evening, the scene depicts a peaceful reminder of the power of the sea.  
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