
  • Mara Murumuru Waterhole

    Tillite Gorge Area

    One of the iconic vistas of the Arkaroola Landscape. Arkaroola is synonymous with the ancient geological ages. It is the most rugged expression of the Australian Landscape. At once powerful and untamed with a natural beauty.

    This morning I walked from Stubbs Waterhole towards the Tillite Gorge, and caught the morning light giving colour to the rockfaces and providing twice the effect with the reflections in the still waterhole.

  • We talk about a timeless grandeur of the Arkaroola landscape.  This scene taken from the lookout near the Pinnacles, a peaceful, contemplative hilltop vantage point looking over a typical Arkaroola landscape. The track winding back to the village gives the sense of journey with some interest in the distant rocky outcrops that remain from the weathered, folded landscape. I liked the sense of the hills and the colour of the dried earth coming through the sparse vegetation.
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    We talk about the timeless grandeur of the Arkaroola Landscape.   Arkaroola is synonymous with ancient geological ages. It is the most rugged expression of the Australian Landscape. At once powerful and untamed with a natural beauty.  According to legend, Arkaroo, the great Dreamtime serpent lived in the Gammon Ranges. He felt very thirsty, so he slithered down to the plains and drank Lake Frome dry. When he had finished, he went back to the Gammons, his body gouging out Arkaroola Creek. The waterholes represent the places that he stopped and rested. Reflections in the water at the Bararranna Gorge Waterhole along Arkaroola Creek.
  • We talk about a timeless grandeur of the Arkaroola landscape.

    Bararranna Gorge Waterhole, One of the iconic vistas of the Arkaroola Landscape

    Arkaroola is synonymous with ancient geological ages. It is the most rugged expression of the Australian Landscape. At once powerful, untamed but with a natural beauty.This scene projects a primeval emotion typical of the harsh and robust environment. The rock faces are sharp and steep with few trees successfully finding a crevasse to set their roots. Interest in the scene is enhanced with the foreground water, and we have the curiosity of what lies around the next bend as we make our way up to the Bararranna Waterhole. There are still many questions that the landscape asks of us. Look at the sharpness of the rock face embracing the cutting power of flood.

    Contemplate just how high and powerful the flood must be when it does rain.

  • We talk about the timeless grandeur of the Arkaroola Landscape.  Arkaroola is synonymous with ancient geological ages. It is the most rugged expression of the Australian Landscape. At once powerful and untamed with a natural beauty. The afternoon sun on the rugged face of Dinnertime Hill brings out the colours of the landscape and there is a little mystery as Wywhyana Creek winds it way through the nearby gorge. The desert mulga with its dry, copper tinge completes the story.
  • We talk about a timeless grandeur of the Arkaroola landscape. On the ground, in the creek beds, it is not about the geological forces but the adaption of the trees to to the climate. Towards the end of 2019 Arkaroola had experienced the longest, driest conditions in living memory. Red Gums that were hundreds of years old were dying. The desiccated landscape was facing its biggest challenge. Having seen it at it best, we were witnessing a potential disaster. Every major drought asks the question, will the landscape recover?  
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